Green Energy
The word ‘energy’ comes from the ancient Greek word ‘Energeia’, which means activity or operation, and was first used as far back as the 4th century BC. Energy, as a concept was thought of in the early 1800’s and since then, has grown leaps and bounds. It has also branched out into several other forms such as electric energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, mechanical energy, sound energy and many others. A recent development in this field is the discovery of renewable energy.Renewable energy, also known as green energy, is that which is derived from natural sources such as the sun, the wind, tides and geo-thermal sources. This type of energy does not pollute the environment, and is manufactured using eco-friendly techniques, when compared to other forms. Conservation is the need of the hour, and renewable sources do a great job by maintaining the balance.
It is estimated that 16% of the world’s final energy consumption comes from renewable sources, and this is great, considering the fact that more importance is being given to it and that the public too is becoming aware. General awareness is imperative, in order to maintain a sustained growth in this sector. Nowadays, due to concerns related to climatic changes, along with high oil prices and increasing government support, initiatives related to renewable sources have received a significant boost.
Renewable energy in India is a sector that is still undeveloped. Though India was the first country in the world to set up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources in early 1980’s, its success has been very mediocre. In recent years, India has been lagging behind other nations in the use of renewable energy. The share of renewable energy in the energy sector is 10.6% of the total generation capacity of India.
Renewable energy is of different types such as wind energy, solar energy, hydro-power, geo-thermal energy and biomass/ bio-fuels. In India, the main sources of renewable energy are wind and solar energy. Since our country is densely populated, with lots of sunlight throughout the year, it is well suited for solar energy. Several large projects have also been initiated in parts of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan. In terms of wind energy, though India is a newcomer in the world’s wind production industry, it has taken rapid strides and is currently the fifth largest in the world in terms of installed wind power capacity. In the country, wind power stations are spread mainly across the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Karnataka, in that order.
We, at Doddanavar Global Energy Pvt Ltd, are taking active steps in the production of green wind energy. We believe in the notion – ‘Green is Clean and safe’ and are proud to contribute to the process of conserving the environment around us.