An Eye Towards the Future
Green Eye - an eye towards the future. Green Eye is perceived to be a community for the purpose of promoting the manufacture and use of energy through eco-friendly means. Initiated by Doddanavar Global Energy Pvt Ltd (DGEPL), Green Eye aims at raising awareness about green energy through a myriad of activities, with social awareness being the foremost objective.
Pollution, these days, have reached alarming levels and something has to be done in order to bring about a revolution of sorts, to help curb the menace. Green Eye strives to support this initiative through its activities.
What is DGEPL doing towards Green Eye?
DGEPL aims at increasing awareness about the use of green energy, as against the use of
conventional fuels to derive energy.
We, at DGEPL, cordially invite you to join the Green Eye community. As a community member, you will receive updates about green energy and about our initiatives to promote. You will also have an opportunity to take part in the various environment related activities of Green Eye. Let us join hands and work together for the betterment of the future. Let our future generation thank us tomorrow for the various planet friendly initiatives taken up by us today. Let’s go green.
Join us, and let your children be benefitted, so they thank us for our actions.